Issues in the Undergraduate Mathematics
Preparation of School Teachers:
The Journal

Information for Contributors

Appropriate Submissions
IUMPST: The Journal is intended to provide a formal forum for the dissemination of the research results, insights, and ideas of professional educators and mathematicians on the wide variety of issues that pertain to the college level mathematics preparation of future K-12 teachers. To this end IUMPST encourages submissions in the form of high quality manuscripts of 10 pages or less, single spaced, 12 point type. These can include research and expository articles, essays and thought pieces, or professional observations and discussions which focus specifically on issues of content and pedagogy, philosophical and practical, related to the college level mathematical preparation of future K-12 teachers.

Submission Process
To submit an article for consideration by IUMPST: The Journal send three print copies, or one electronic copy, of the manuscript to the journal editor:

Gary A. Harris
Department of Mathematics
College of Arts and Sciences
Texas Tech University
Lubbock, TX 79409
Include the names and affiliations of all authors, along with a 50 to 100 word abstract of the article on a separate cover page. This will contribute to the anonymity of the refereeing process.

Submission Deadlines
Manuscripts will be accepted anytime.

Refereeing Process
Submissions will be reviewed (in a blind referee format) by professional educators and mathematicians (chosen by the editors according to areas of specialization) for appropriateness of the topic, validity of the results or conclusions, general interest in the topic and adherence to generally accepted standards of good writing.

Publication Schedule
Journal articles will be published on-line (added to the current volume) as they are accepted by the editors.

Submission Formats
When an article is accepted for publication in IUMPST: The Journal the author(s) will be expected to provide it in final form to The Journal in one of the following electronic formats:

Submission Style
When an article is accepted for publication in IUMPST: The Journal the author(s) will be expected to provide it to The Journal in the general style adopted by The Journal. While the general style for essays and book reviews is almost entirely at the discretion of the author(s); research articles, expository articles and descriptions of projects should follow the general guidelines established by The Journal. To aid the authors, a discussion (
in the general style) of these guidelines is available.

When an article is accepted for publication in IUMPST: The Journal the author(s) will be expected to provide the abstract of it, in a separate file, to The Journal in one of the following electronic formats:

Biographical Sketches
When an article is accepted for publication in IUMPST: The Journal the author(s) will be expected to provide brief biographical sketches of each author to The Journal in one of the following electronic formats:

Copyright Information
The author(s) also will be expected to sign the
copyright over to IUMPST: The Journal

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